mediation of my own.

Kendra and I met for margaritas and chips and queso (not sorry) on Wednesday. We went to a neighborhood I don’t frequent so naturally I had to mix and mingle with the other patrons. We ended up talking to this group of guys and pushing our tables together.

They had come directly after work in the financial district and and all looked dapper in smart suits. The guy I was sitting next to, Cole, was the hottest (not Brady hot, but still hot) and was all over me. He is one of those guys who knows how to work a room. As soon as I told him my name, he used it every opportunity he had.

“Do you want another margarita, Reese?”

“So Reese, do you live around here?”

“Are you going to Lolla, Reese?”

I heard that when you first learn someone’s name you should use it several times to make it stick. Cole was definitely doing just that and it was obvious. I ended up giving him my number even though he’s kind of cocky and I have no interest in dating him. Not when I kind of have Brady who is much more attractive and doesn’t act like God’s gift. Brady hasn’t talked to me at all since Saturday though so whatevs.

When I got to work on Thursday morning, Whitney followed me into my office again.

“Reese,” she started before I even put my stuff down.

“Yes, Whitney?” I said, exasperated. I knew it was going to be something about Amanda/gossip/drama and I just don’t have the time.

“I know you’re unhappy about what’s going on in the office, but you can’t just threaten people because things aren’t going your way,” she said to me like I’m a seven year old child.

“What are you talking about?”

“Amanda told me you called her into your office and threatened her because she’s talking to BJ again.”

I rolled my eyes again. Good grief. Did I ever even mention BJ to Amanda? I’m convinced that they both just pull all this stuff out of their asses. 

“I’m not even going to entertain this,” I said, booting up my computer. I started logging in and pretended she wasn’t still standing there.

“Amanda is really upset. I think you should talk to her and maybe apologize…”

“I’m not fucking apologizing to her,” I said, not looking up from my computer. 

“Reese, I know you’re not used to being in a higher position with a company, but you can’t just do and say whatever you want. There are consequences.” 

Now she was lecturing me.

“Okay,” I said.

I felt her staring at me for a moment before walking out.

I was surprised, but not surprised when Tracey called me and asked me to come to her office later. Amanda and Whitney were already down there when I got there. Seriously? I actually had real work to do.

“Thanks for joining us, Reese,” Tracey said as I slid into the open seat in front of her desk. “So Whitney and Amanda have a few concerns with you and wanted to be able to do so with me present to make sure nothing goes awry.”

Of course. As if I’m some big bad wolf.

“Thanks, Tracey,” Whitney said. She turned to me. “Reese, I tried to discuss things with you this morning before having to get Tracey involved, but you weren’t receptive at all. I was just trying to express to you that Amanda is upset that you threatened her.”

“What was the nature of this threat?” Tracey wanted to know. 

Before I could answer, Amanda piped up. “Aron told me that Reese is upset because BJ and I are on speaking terms again. So Reese called me in her office and said that she would send me back to school with a negative recommendation.”

Tracey didn’t say anything so Amanda went on.

“Because Reese and BJ hooked up, you know? So she is upset that he and I are friends again and they aren’t. I feel like I’ve done a great job this summer so a bad recommendation would be unfair.”

“You have done a great job,” Whitney said.

Tracey gave me an odd look that let me know that she had no idea about the BJ thing. Shit. If they could just lie, I could too right?

“I didn’t hook up with BJ. Everything you just said is a flat out lie,” I said calmly.

Amanda and Whitney looked at each other.

“I don’t know what you guys did, but he seemed to be pretty familiar with with your apartment and where you live,” Whitney said. “And your body….”

“We all know BJ is trouble. Didn’t you two have a falling out earlier this summer, Amanda? In fact, weren’t you in this office before, having a mediation? What’s the common denominator here?” I said, sweetly.

Amanda’s face began to flush and she smiled sheepishly at Tracey.

“I’m offended that y’all would even think I would involve myself with him in that way. That’s insulting to my character and integrity.”

Whitney wouldn’t look at me.

“I have no reason to be threatened by you at all, Amanda. I find it appalling that you would sit here and lie to Tracey when we both know the truth. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself. You too, Whitney,” I said.

Neither of them said anything for a moment. Then Amanda said, “You did say you would give me a bad recommendation.”

“Because you were talking shit and gossiping. I think your professors and future employers should know that you can’t handle yourself in a professional work environment.”

Amanda was looking straight ahead avoiding eye contact, but I could see that her face was turning scarlet.

“Sorry,” she said quietly.

“Do you accept her apology, Reese?” Tracey asked.

“Sure.” I wasn’t going to be friends with the girl though.

“Do you have anything to apologize for?” Tracey asked.

Honestly I didn’t, but I also didn’t want to seem like a cunty bitch. “I’m sorry that you thought I was threatening you.”

Amanda accepted my apology and Tracey said we could leave. I bolted out of there before she could ask me to stay and elaborate on the BJ situation. Plus I had Pinterest work to do.


i need to read the dictionary.

Kendra had us all over for dinner on Tuesday evening. She made some sort of chicken, broccoli and rice dish that was delicious. Ever since John moved in, Kendra has turned into a complete grandma/stay at home wife. We used to do everything together and get crazy every weekend. Now I barely see her. Just like I suspected.

After we left Kendra’s, Preston came over. I hadn’t heard from Brady at all since Friday night so I wasn’t sure if we were still going to dinner. I know we were both completely trashed when we agreed on it, but still. Drunk words = sober thoughts? 

Preston convinced me to text him to confirm and before I could talk myself out of it, I said, “Are we still on for dinner tomorrow?” 

Almost immediately he responded, “If you want.”

I read it over several times. “If you want.” Excuse me? Of course I wanted to! Didn’t he want to, too? Before I could show Preston and have a complete freak out, Brady texted me again. 

“I will probably be at the hospital until 8:30 or 9, but we could do something after that.”

That was more like it.

“Okay, just let me know. :-)” I said back. 

Preston helped me find an outfit that would work no matter what we decided to do (late fancy dinner, late casual dinner, drinks, Taco Bell, rendezvous in his car, etc). We picked out a romper, a printed kimono and wedges with my hair in a fishtail braid. I hope he thinks I look cute.

When I got to work on Wednesday, Whitney followed me into my office.

“We need to talk,” she said.

“Okay… What about?” I said back.

She shut my door for privacy. “The comments you said to Aron on Monday were extremely inappropriate and unprofessional.”

“What comments?” 

I had no idea what the girl was talking about. I vaguely remembered talking to Aron on Monday, but I couldn’t even recall what was said.

“That I told Diana about you and BJ, that I’m drama, that I wanted to get you fired because I’m jealous if you. He told Amanda everything. Reese, we are all adults here. There is no need to gossip.”

Wtf? I had to stand there thinking for a moment. Then I remembered that on Monday I talked to Aron in the break room during lunch. He asked how I was doing after the whole situation and I told him that I was fine and it sucked that people were gossiping. He mentioned that Amanda told him that Whitney was the one who informed Diana about BJ and me and I rolled my eyes and said I wasn’t surprised. That was the extent of our conversation. I didn’t elaborate on the Whitney issue (even though I wanted to) and certainly didn’t claim she was jealous of me or anything like that. And there were a lot of people in the break room while we were talking, including Amanda, but I never said anything directly to her. Which means that not only was Amanda eavesdropping, but she also lied about what she heard. Unless Aron lied to her about what we talked about, but that doesn’t seen like something he would do. 

“Whitney,” I said as calmly as I could. “I didn’t say that about you at all. One of them is lying. If you want to get caught up with what a bunch of people are talking about then that’s on you, but I’m not. I’m not doing this. I am almost twenty five years old and I have a job to do.”

Whitney saw how upset I was getting and her face softened. “Really? I didn’t think you would say that, but I just wanted to make sure.”

I didn’t say anything so she continued.

“All of this is getting blown out of proportion. I don’t know what happened with you and BJ, but it’s really none of my business and I don’t want to get involved at all…”

“You’ve already involved yourself.”

Whitney looked frightened. “I think BJ is the real problem here. I’m so glad he’s gone.”

“Okay, well I’m going to get to work. Have a nice day,” I said, ushering her out.

Ugh. So I’m really irritated with Amanda/Aron/Whitney for trying to create even more drama. 

After work, I stopped and got a facial and a mani/pedi. I needed to relax before hanging out with Brady. I started getting ready at 7:00 so I had plenty of time. 

Brady texted me at 8:40: “I’m just getting off work so I can come get you whenever you’re ready.”

Obviously, I was already ready and just sitting on my couch drinking a Red Bull and watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I texted back, “I’m actually ready now.” 

I hoped I didn’t sound too desperate and available.

“I’ll be there in 15 mins,” he said back.

Naturally, for the next fifteen minutes while I waited, I downed the rest of my Red Bull plus a glass of wine. Brady called when he got to my apartment and he was double parked in front of my building. 

“Hi!” I said, getting in. Brady looked hot in his dress shirt with his tie undone and hanging freely around his neck. Clearly he couldn’t wait to take it off. 

We talked about our days then he asked if I was hungry. I told him I was. He drove us to a little ethnic restaurant not far from my apartment. He said that he loved it and would be surprised if I didn’t too.

The place was small, dark and intimate and we snagged a table near the door. It was a little modest given his background and how much I know he brings home yearly, but I liked the vibe.

“So what’s good?” I asked, opening the menu.

“They have a platter I usually get. It has chicken, beef, lentils, potatoes, and bread. It is plenty of food for two people,” Brady said. He was so laidback and chill on Friday, but he was back to being formal and uptight.

As the night went on he started relaxing and I could tell I was making him more comfortable. He was even kind of flirting. I told him about New York City/Rob and Brady said, “I guess you can’t really blame him for being attracted to you.”

Which was sweet. And then he said, “It’s good you had the sagacity not to allow things to go further with him.” 

I consider myself pretty intelligent for the most part, but I’ve never heard that word before in my life. He used several words I’ve never heard before and I made a mental note to start reading the dictionary while I do my squats. Then there was a joke about Napoleon that I didn’t understand. Brady explained it once then when I still didn’t get it, he said nevermind. I haven’t taken a history class in four years and Napoleon just isn’t someone who stuck with me. I even went home and Googled him to see if I could understand the joke, but to no avail.

We finished dinner and stayed at the restaurant until they closed. Afterwards we weren’t ready to go home so we walked to a little bar down the block. We got drinks and sat on their outdoor patio. I found out that he actually owns the duplex he lives in and rents to Chris which is super impressive because he’s only 26(ish?) and it’s a prestigious neighborhood. I can’t even imagine how many hundreds of thousands of dollars it costs him. I told him that I’m looking to purchase a home within the next few years (which is true, but my down payment is currently hanging in my closet so). He said he would get me in contact with his realtor who would be able to help me. 

We talked about how we enjoy going to the beach and he suggested we go this weekend together. And then he said we could invite Carly and Chris which I didn’t agree with but whatever. As long as I get to see Brady shirtless. 

After two drinks, he drove me home. We had a fun and friendly evening, it wasn’t super romantic, but it felt right. I realized that every relationship doesn’t have to be driven by sex like me and Eric’s. He leaned over and hugged me before I got out of his car and then when we pulled apart he kissed me. I don’t know if he was trying to aim for my lips and missed or if he meant to kiss me on my cheek, but it landed in the middle on the corner of my mouth.



Work has been kind of busy so I had to decline Eric’s invitation to hang out on Tuesday evening. We had a photo shoot for our Nantucket Cottage line that kept me in the showroom until 10:00 PM. I was in charge of making sure the lighting, props, styling, and background sent the perfect preppy and nautical message we were going for. Basically I was running around in my Gianvito Rossi pumps, yelling at anyone in my path and demanding more chai tea. Even though the Nantucket Cottage line was not my vision, Diana was counting on me to make it come to life. Plus The Devil Wears Prada is an inspirational movie for me.

Yesterday was Wednesday so Kendra and I went out for small plates, martinis and gossip. Since Preston had the night off, he decided to join us.

Kendra started telling us about the weekend trip she took with her boring boyfriend, John. John is doing his medical residency or whatever and is always busy. I know their lives sound super successful and promising but they have the most boring relationship on earth. Mostly because John doesn’t drink alcohol or go to bars or clubs, and rides his bike ten miles a day for “fun.” He’s weird. But Kendra seems to be in love with him and I can’t hate on that.

“We went to two art museums and an aquarium. It was lowkey, but actually really fun,” she said. 

Preston let out an audible yawn. “When are you two getting married?”

“After he finishes his residency,” she said, matter-of-factly. “We aren’t in any rush.” 

“You should probably enjoy your time before you spend the rest of your life looking at old art and not drinking,” I pointed out sweetly. I can only imagine how dreadful their life as a married couple will be.

“How are things going with that baseball player? Have you scared him away yet?” she asked, equally as sweetly. 

“Actually no. Things are going really great. We haven’t seen each other since Sunday, but he texts me all the time just to check in. He’s so thoughtful,” I said.

Kendra looked at Preston. “But what Reese failed to mention is that Eric overheard her telling me that she wanted to sleep with him. So I’m sure that’s his motivation.”

Preston let out a low cackle. “That reminds me of the time you accidentally sent that guy you worked with a nude picture and he wouldn’t leave you alone for months. God, you’re such a hot mess, Reese, I love it.”

While they giggled, I drained the rest of my martini and then three more. When I started SnapChatting pictures of my cleavage, Kendra took me home. 

I got inside and took a long shower, put on a robe and checked my phone. Eric had sent me a text: “Hey gorgeous. I hope you had a relaxing day.” 

I was so happy to hear from him so I said, “Heyyy Eric. I miss you!” 

Is anyone else a clingy drunk?

He said, “Me too. I want to see you this weekend.” 

“What do you want to do?” 

“There’s a comedy show on Friday night. Do you want to go?” 

“I’d love to. And then what?” 

“It’s right next door to a bar. We could go there afterwards if you want.”

“Okay, that sounds good. And then what?” I pried. 

“Whatever you want to do Reese. You’re welcome to come over to my place.” 

This got me excited. “Oh really? What would we do there?”

“Anything. You could help me pick out pillows.” 

“Just pillows?” 

“I need a few more things for the bedroom. And maybe the kitchen. You saw my place. I dont have much.” 

“Mmhm. And then?” 

“Then we pop in a movie and cuddle on my new sectional. Break it in a little.” 

I smiled. “Then what?” 

“Hopefully you’re wearing a little dress so I can rub your bare legs during the movie.” 

“Okay. Then what?”

“Then I’ll make my way up your dress and rub your pussy through your panties until you beg me to stop.”

“And then?”

“And then I’ll rip your dress off and lick you from your neck to your belly button.” 

So Eric and I were sexting. I was now grinning like a chimpanzee. 

“Then what would you do?” 

“Then I would suck on your nipples while you moan my name.”

“Mmhm. Then?” 

“I would slide a finger into you and tease you until you beg me to fuck you.” 

That’s when I fell asleep – right in the middle of our steamy sexting sesh. I was still in my robe with all the lights on and my phone in my hand. I didn’t even know I was tired. Oops. 

So I guess Eric and I are hanging out tomorrow night. I can’t wait pick out pillows!
